viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Hollywood and Its Influence on Society Considered

Hollywood and Its Influence on Society Considered
It is amazing the amount of influence which Hollywood is able to exert on our society, culture, and civilization, and perhaps, it's like that old saying; "life imitates art" is really true. The other day, I was discussing this with a young successful actor in Hollywood. And he is not only a talented author but also a deep thinker, as he attends college while pursuing his career.
He told me that although he is an actor, he'd "rather positively influence the content created by the film industry and represent the portion of the industry who attempt to use their power for real world problems." And why not, Hollywood has gotten presidents elected and changed the course of American history; more than once.
Thus, I said to him; "well I cannot blame you. It seems that Hollywood can do a lot to influence society - if it is done properly, and the productions still entertain." You see, Hollywood's amazing the power it has over a society, or in many cases societies around the world. Perhaps, that's why it seems Hollywood has its own set of lobbyists in a way.
Indeed, many folks with agendas flock to Hollywood to influence things, and many celebrities realizing their power use it to further causes they believe in it seems? Thus, my question to my actor acquaintance was this; "Are you planning to use your talents as an actor and do more with it?" Think about this if you will - many in Hollywood helped get President Obama elected, some now such as Matt Damon have decided that Obama shouldn't be re-elected.
When President Obama comes to Southern California, he has no choice but to visit the West Side where all the Hollywood Moguls, Talent, and Movers and Shakers are. And Hollywood has been quite active in raising money for social causes, not just here but all over the world; The Sumatra Quake and Indonesia Earthquake, and the Haiti Earthquake and tragedy to name just a couple. Hollywood's influence is far and wide from Tibet to the Davos World Economic Forum.
Hollywood Actresses and Movie Stars adopt children from African Nations as well, and they help spread their wealth and passions globally. Not only because they need to in order to prevent looking out of touch, but also because their fame gives them a platform with a megaphone to do great things, if they are willing to use it. You may not like the politics of Hollywood, Lord knows I often don't, but you'll have to agree it's a force to be reckoned with, and there is a tremendous amount of influence there. So, please consider all this.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.
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